Thursday, December 5, 2019


The busy narrative takes advantage of an able and adorable cast, most of whom make the most of their screen time with copious vigor and energy. At no point does anyone exhibit behavior that one might find surprising or interesting. Will the philandering husband get caught? But it grows on you. Most of it takes place on the curb in front of a residential compound, where residents stop briefly to interact with one of two security guards. The movie depicts a lot of little stories, but has trouble making them fit into a single flowing narrative. dyagwar movie

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Meanwhile, Krissy finds the timid Manuel pleasuring himself while on guard. A philandering husband Alex Calleja takes his mistress home when his wife Marissa Sanchez is away. The movie does little to mitigate this. From sun up to sun down, Ruel and Manuel observe and interact with the tenants. It makes everything feel predictable, the movie playing out beats that were established decades ago, before any of this story actually existed.

If mediocre films like "Huling Halik" made it at the Cinemalaya festival before, how can Dyagwar not get a screening there? The busy narrative takes advantage of an able and adorable cast, most of whom make the most of their screen time with copious vigor and energy.

The movie depicts a lot of little stories, but has trouble making them fit into a single flowing narrative. The ensemble cast brings a lot of energy to the table, but little direction. Life goes on despite the harrowing things we have to go through.

Ending at the Gate

Of the two leads, Eric Fructuouso is able to build more of a character. We had a smile on our face.

My schedule doesn't allow me right now, but will email you when things clear. To make matters worse, Mr. At no point does anyone exhibit behavior that one might find surprising or interesting. Vegetarian And Vegan Dining: Miranda arrives without warning and catches Me-an and Ruel en flagrante delicto The story follows cousins Ruel Erick Fructuoso and Manuel Boom Labrusca who, as security guards, take turns manning a residential compound run by obese crossdresser Shamcey Chiokla Gaston.

One night, Ruel takes Me-an to her bed while Mr.

Dyagwar (Havey o Waley?) Trailer & Info | QuickLook Films

As Ruel, he broods and he leers, visibly displaying a grimy center. In fact, some strings become redundant wife catches philandering husband; then angry elder benefactor catches kept girl and her lover.

Dyagwar lacks purpose and drive, and thus comes off as random and confused. Miranda, her elder lover, is away. Later that morning, the cunning Shamcey blackmails Manuel, put up or Shamcey reports him to dygawar security agency novie his sexual dalliance on the job! Most of it takes place on the curb in front of a residential compound, where residents stop briefly to interact with one of two security guards. I enjoyed that movie, thus the review.

Full Cast & Crew

There is one easy answer. The stories woven together by the two security guards are episodic, occasionally running like sitcom. In the day shift, Manuel is intent on keeping out of trouble, but he gets caught up in the drama of the various residents of the compound.

dyagwar movie

RR Enriquez makes an inspired and attention-catching performance that carries humorous moments although she needs a little more finesse to be truly believable. Posted by Cathy Pena at 2: Subpar production also keeps the movie from achieving anything remarkable. Worse yet, they all seem to have built off the most generic of templates. You feel that some scenes were designed to needlessly showcase a dyaagwar e.

But it grows on you.

dyagwar movie

The sound is awfully inconsistent, which really marks the film as an amateur effort. I have a backlog of movke films to write and "light" is nowhere in sight, so to speak.

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