Monday, December 16, 2019


But in any case you are begging for strange problems maybe showing up only after the program ran a while when you do this. Why, if its always said that classloader ignores duplicate JAR, does it work? The object that is saved as part of the action above has changed, from an Opensaml1 specific Assertion object, to an AssertionWrapper instance, which is a WSS4J specific object which encapsulates an Assertion, as well as some information corresponding to signature verification, etc. Thomas Edison September 9, at Thomas Edison September 9, at 9: Posted by Colm O hEigeartaigh at 6:

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Sign up using Email and Password. The issue I was having with the inclusion of "SignedElements" was that I was not propery specifying the namespace. But in any case you are begging for strange problems maybe showing up only after the program ran a while when you do this.

Index of /groups/wso2-public/org/apache/ws/security/wss4j/

I want to develop a new feature that uses the wss4j Colm O hEigeartaigh September 8, at 1: It only supports the creation of Authentication statements. Thomas Edison September 5, at 3: Sorry, my brain is fried from staring at code.

As you can see, a fairly small amount of code can create a large variety of assertions. What is your use-case exactly? It is somewhat of a grey area whether this is correct or not as the tokens are not directly signed.

[SWS] Upgrade to wss4j - Spring JIRA

Of course, this could be a failure on my part to grasp the finer details of the specification. Colm O hEigeartaigh September 9, at 5: If you could please spend some time investigating this I think it would benefit the whole community.

BTW, I've also tried with the policy included below. We're using CXF 2. Yes I am calling the issue binding. I also think it would be more productive than the typical process for dealing with potential vulnerabilities. However, I can't see anything in the specification that describes how to require that the token is signed. Well, anyway I spoke to soon.

Colm O hEigeartaigh September 5, at 8: Upgrading a library like CXF might wds4j a day but it could also take a week or more. Your blogs certainly help, but in my experience, significant time spent looking at code is required to delve into things and the code is so dense it could take weeks to fully understand. This extensibility is achieved by letting the user implement a CallbackHandler instance. Post as a guest Name. Newer Post Sss4j Post Home. Thomas Edison September 11, at 2: Asked 2 years ago.

In this case, what does the wsd4j policy of the STS endpoint require? Because it does not seem to me that the code is comparing the subject of the client certificate to the issuer or subject of the SAML token.

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Thomas Edison September 8, at Email Required, but never shown. Should we trust in this implementation? However, there are two reasons why I am bringing this to your attention: I am setting the SecurityConstants.

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