Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Go back in those dungeons and defeat them, and talk to the frogs that appear afterwards. Go through the door, then dive into the flower and launch yourself to the other side and through the next door. Go to the kitchen at the back-right of the first floor and talk to Anju to get Kafei's Mail. Swim into it as Zora Link. Then, enter her house and go down to the basement. majoras mask walkthrough pdf

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Play the tune for him, and he will teach you the second part. You have to catch the 5 boys by tomorrow morning: Talk to them to get a Heart Piece.

Defeat the Wizzrobe, and go up the stairs to the outside. Go through the corridor directly in front of you to get back to the big room, then go back through the corridor on the bottom.

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The Lizard Level 6: From there, use the Deku flower to launch your way up along the right-hand side of the area until you reach a chest across a bridge; open it to get a Heart Piece. MM has the most collectable Heart Pieces of any Zelda game, thanks to having only four dungeons. Tower of Hera 5. Climb up the ladder and shoot the skulltula on the big center stone tablet Talk to him with majofas Don Gero Mask also.

Items available after the first dungeon etc. Look to the right and hookshot to the small alcove to find a Stray Fairy 12 in a chest. Walkthroygh also shows the general locations for each and every item, then specific instructions for exactly how to get them.

Majora's Mask Walkthrough - Zelda Dungeon

Go through the door behind it. Push the first block forward, go around left and pull the next block, then go through and up the water spout.

majoras mask walkthrough pdf

Roll into the crate to the right for one 20roll into the crate to the left and go through the passage for another Hookshot majorxs the palm tree on the giant tortoise, and he will take you to the third dungeon. In the big room at the beginning, the large windmill, controlled by the water pumps, is responsible for the direction of the current in the big room that follows.

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Ocean King Wwlkthrough VI. Also, while the three-day time limit may seem restricting to some, it's generally plenty of time. When it awakes, shoot it with arrows to stun it, and chop it up with your sword until it surrenders. Play the Song of Healing for the man mzjoras the mushroom. Go back to the first room and get your reward from the man. Isle of Songs 9. Go through the opened gate.

Hit the owl statue across the bridge to the west, then take the east path.

Go north past the clock tower to get to North Clock Town, then turn left and go up into the cave. When you face the Skull Kid, play the Oath to Order. Dive to the surface and release the seahorse, and follow it along the invisible path to reach pff huge crater.

The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask Nintendo Power Official Strategy Guide

Walkthroug will be selling this mask. Step on the fan and turn right, then use the hookshot to get to another alcove on the high wall; it contains a Stray Fairy Go over to the gigantic crack in the roof, and lay a Powder Keg on it to create a hole. The Moon Level 3: Go over to where a huge ice glacier was blocking an opening before, and go inside.

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